Baru perasan dapat award ;p

The Rules:

1. Accept the award, post it in your blog together with the name of the person who granted you the award

Done. Award dari Umi Sufira yang sedang aktif berjogging ;p Tq Mimi..

2. Pass it on the other 15 blog that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know you have tagged them.

Dan saya nak bagi pada the newly discovered..

Alimaz, Zara, HudaBanny, Qaseh Essal, Qamarul, Delimasari, Madam Hassan, Noor Cahaya, Julia Aiman, Aziza_Hairol

Balance 5 orang lagi untuk..

Mummy Dasy, Mummy Pink, Ct Rahani, Nadrahfihil, Mama Danish

Sila..sila ambil award ni jangan malu-malu.. ;p

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